Sunday, April 27, 2014

Published in Time of Singing, Volume 41, Number 1, Spring 2014
Editor Lora H. Zill

God Remembers Noah-And Me
Genesis 9:13 NIV

As present as sunlight
in the midst of rain,
as promising as a green olive leaf
in the beak of a dove,
a prism casts a rainbow image
onto the pages of Sunday's lesson
spread like bread
          on the kitchen table.

Published in Time of Singing, Volume 41, Number 1, Spring 2014
Editor Lora H. Zill

For God's Eyes Alone
Roger Morigi was a master stone carver, Washington National Cathedral, 1956-1978

Scaling a scaffold
let down like a Jacob
ladder leaning against
heaven's gate,
an artisan calls out to Morigi
who had spent days
chiseling leaves
in an all but hidden part
of a sacred tableau
as spirited as children
playing hide and seek:

Why is it taking you so long?
The leaves are beautiful.
But who will ever see them?