Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Poems in Summer 2012 Avocet, a Journal of Nature Poems

Ivy Wild


Grandmother's screened-in-porch was ivy-bound.

The way she pinned green leaves to the screen

you would have thought them  tresses of the sun.

She had such heart spun ways of doing things--

with silver ropes of hair let down for love

she used hairpins to pin the glory up.



                           Nothing Gold Can Stay


                           Every day now

                           the journey-bound hickory--

                            in flower before leafing out--

                            opens another, another,

                            and still another

                            gold-tasseled package.

                             Playing pendulum

                             with catkins as tufted

                             as a young man's chin,

                             the gifted tree

                             going green in its gold

                             leaves me to write

                                            thank-you notes.



Nesting Laughing Gull


In clump

of shoreline grass

a speckled green egg

swings gently

to the lub-a-dub sounds

of laughter on the wing.


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